The latest episode of the "Scotch Club" podcast features an in-depth conversation with SUBTLEGEND founder, Grace Lane. In this episode, Grace shares her unique journey, entrepreneurial insights, and the philosophy that drives SUBTLEGEND to success.
Here’s a sneak peek into what was discussed:
From Humble Beginnings
Growing up surrounded by inspiring entrepreneurs, Grace witnessed her first big deal with a horse trainer at just 11 years old. “I was hooked,” she recalls. Her entrepreneurial spirit led her to run summer camps and work at a berry basket business. Her varied experiences in retail and business development roles eventually paved the way for her career in consulting.
Grace Lane’s journey into the world of business started early. With a degree in business from college, she reflects on her educational experience with a candid revelation: “I could have done without it.” The true value, she believes, came from her hands-on experiences.
The Path to Consulting
Grace’s passion for business development found a new avenue when she began building websites for friends and family. This experience naturally transitioned into consulting, where she realized her true calling. She recounts a memorable dinner with a retail client who asked, “How do you know so much?” Grace’s response was simple yet profound: “It’s all I do, but ultimately we learn every day, every client. So we have built learning into the business.”
Living and Working from Anywhere
With a lifestyle as dynamic as her career, now, she enjoys the sunny days in Naples, Florida, and retreats to the Midwest during the summer heat. This flexibility is mirrored in her business approach, always adapting and evolving.
Always on the Lookout for Talent
Are you interested in joining SUBTLEGEND? Grace emphasizes that the firm is always looking for new talent. “Our business has evolved so much, and so has our team. We are always looking. The best consultants are often business owners, but that's not always the case. You can email us if you’re interested.”
Consulting E-Commerce and Legacy Clients
Grace delves into her consulting approach, especially with e-commerce businesses. “Every client needs something different,” she explains. A significant part of her strategy involves automating businesses to make them self-sufficient before right-sizing other areas. This tailored approach ensures that solutions are practical and sustainable.
Client Relationships and Advice
SUBTLEGEND prides itself on long-term client relationships. “Our clients are often with us for years. The majority of those that worked one-on-one with us still do today. But businesses change and flow,” says Grace.
When asked about what happens when clients don’t take her advice, Grace’s perspective is enlightening. “Our goal isn’t to have the best advice or the most right answer for our clients. Our job is to give them solutions to problems that we know they can carry out. It’s not about being right. It’s about getting it done.”
Insights for Friends and Family
Grace also shares insights for her friends and family who have no idea what a consulting firm does.
Categorizing business coaches into three types:
Cheerleaders and motivators who focus on systems and automation.
Process-heavy, slower but accurate, delivering what the boss needs to hear.
**Results-Driven Fixers:**
(SUBTLEGEND) Unconventional but effective, focused on getting results and changing the way you think.
In this episode of the "Scotch Club" podcast, Grace Lane offers a wealth of knowledge and inspiration for both budding entrepreneurs and established business leaders. Her journey underscores the importance of practical experience, continuous learning, and adapting to change—core principles that define SUBTLEGEND’s approach to consulting. Don’t miss this opportunity to glean valuable insights from a seasoned expert. Listen to the full episode now and get inspired to take your business to the next level.