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What is happening to your sales?

There’s a quote that has stuck with me: "Maybe you don't notice your progress because you're always raising the bar." This perfectly describes what I see with so many of our clients at SUBTLEGEND.

We tell our clients upfront—it takes about 4-6 months to see progress. And truth be told, we are right. But then another 6 months goes by & the shiny motivation wears off. Instead of celebrating how far they’ve come, they start focusing on what’s still missing. They shift their perspective to the negatives, and suddenly, that progress feels insignificant. This negative spiral can be incredibly damaging, not just mentally but also strategically.

Take two recent client examples:

  • Client A: Their average order value has increased by double digits—a massive win! Their margin has also increased by double digits-- another win! But because we’re in a tough economic time & sales are down, rather than seeing the success in a challenging market, they fixate on the downside, failing to recognize they’re actually better off despite the circumstances.

  • Client B: She takes every customer rejection personally, failing to recognize she’s consistently closing at a rate 10%+ higher than the industry average. Instead of doubling down on what’s working, she gets stuck in self-doubt and worry about every “no” she hears.

This mindset becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. When you only focus on problems—especially ones that don’t actually need solving—you create unnecessary roadblocks. Meanwhile, the areas of the business that truly need attention get neglected.

The real art of leadership and entrepreneurship is having the discipline to chase what’s working and do more of that. Regardless of economic conditions, staying focused on progress rather than just gaps is what separates thriving businesses from struggling ones. The bar will always be raised—that’s the nature of ambition. The key is to celebrate the wins along the way and use them as fuel to keep pushing forward.


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Trusted by mompreneurs & CEO's of publicly traded companies. 

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: Due to the nature of our work, client confidentiality remains of the utmost importance. All information & data are factual results from our work, however company details have been omitted to maintain the privacy of our clients.



Estimated Annual Revenue
Start-Up Business &/or Under 1 Year
Under $1M
$1M - $5M
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$10M - $20M
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$50M & Up
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